5 Tips for Professional-Looking Product Shots

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The photographs used can make or break a sale when selling products online. Poorly lit and out-of-focus photos won’t impress anyone. At the same time, professionally photographed images draw attention to the product and show potential customers that there’s quality and care behind the business. Here are five tips for achieving professional-looking product shots.

Keep it clean

Your background should be plain and free from any distractions that might take away from the product itself. A solid color works best, but if you want to add interest to your photo, try a textured surface like wood or fabric. Different products work best with different types of backgrounds. Food products look best on a white background, while clothing or jewelry usually works better when against something that matches their colors.

However, if you want to add interest and texture to your photograph, wood grain, fabric, and textures are excellent jewelry photography background ideas. Both have subtle color variations that can bring out more details in your jewelry and make it stand out from the background. You could also incorporate props like plants or mirrors to enhance the look.

Another important tip is to keep your setup clean and clutter-free. Remove any unnecessary items, such as cables or furniture, so they don’t compete with the product in the photo. Take a few moments before shooting each product to double-check for any distracting elements that might draw attention away from what you’re selling.

Finally, ensure to give your product space in the photo by leaving enough empty areas around it. This will help keep the focus on the item and make it look more professional. Using these simple tips, you can ensure that your product shots look sharp and polished no matter what you photograph.

Use natural light

Natural light is usually much more flattering than artificial lighting, so try shooting outdoors on an overcast day or near a window indoors. If shooting indoors, keep in mind that direct sunlight can create harsh lighting and deep shadows on your product. For best results when shooting indoors, position your product near a window so the light is coming in through the side. This will create softer shadows and help even out any harsh lines. You can also diffuse the light with a white curtain or sheet to soften it further.

You can use an external lighting source, such as a lamp, to fill any dark areas. However, be sure to use only a little light, as this can wash out the details of your product and create an unnatural-looking photograph. Additionally, you should always have a white or neutral-colored background when shooting indoors to reduce shadows and keep the focus on the product.

Use manual settings

lcd display on screen photoshoot

Using automatic modes will give you primary results that may look less professional. Try using manual camera settings such as shutter speed and aperture to ensure each photo looks its best. The aperture is crucial for creating depth-of-field (the area of sharpness) that will bring more attention to your product without blurring out other elements of the shot. Shutter speed will also help you capture movement without blurring the product, which is vital for shooting moving objects.

If you’re unsure how to adjust manual settings on your camera or smartphone, some many online tutorials and guides can help you get started. Experimenting with different settings will better understand how they work and allow you to customize your photos to get the best results.

Find the right angle

Experimenting with different angles can help make your photograph more interesting and dynamic. Take some time to explore various angles that can best show off your product. Shooting from above or below can capture details and texture, while shooting at eye level allows you to see the product invitingly. With jewelry, try putting it at a slight angle or arranging it into an interesting pattern, so it stands out against the background.

Additionally, if you’re selling something small like coins or gems, consider shooting them up close with a macro lens for maximum detail in the shot. Lastly, try playing around with different perspectives, such as bird’s eye view or worm’s eye view shots, to enhance the look of your photograph further. Finding different angles will go a long way toward making each photo more unique and professional-looking.

Take multiple shots

Taking multiple shots at different angles will give you plenty of options when it comes time to choose which one looks best for posting on social media or adding to your website gallery.

Having a minimum number of frames is essential for product photography, as it ensures that you capture the details and complexity of the photographed item. Taking multiple shots gives you more flexibility when selecting images since you can choose the exact one that looks best and fits your overall aesthetic.

It also allows you to compare different angles and perspectives to find which will best show off your product. Multiple shots also allow you to experiment with different lighting and settings, so you never have to worry about missing out on an ideal photo.

To Wrap It Up

Product photography is essential for any business that sells products, whether online or in a brick-and-mortar store. Following the tips outlined above will help create professional and eye-catching shots that draw attention to your product. Taking time to set up the proper lighting, use manual settings, find the right angle, and take multiple pictures will all make a massive difference in the end result. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to capture photos that truly show off your product’s features and beauty.

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