Four Simple Art Projects to Try With Your Kids

Home » Four Simple Art Projects to Try With Your Kids

Children love experimenting. They will get carried away if you introduce something fun. Fortunately, you can use readily available supplies to create some art projects at home. Below are some that you should try.

Scrapbooking With Ribbons

If you are a crafty parent and regularly use ribbon in your work, you are familiar with the overwhelming scraps that build up so fast. To help you declutter, allow the kids to incorporate ribbon trims in their scrapbooks. They can use these to create titles, sectioning, flowers and decoration pleats, among other amazing elements.

Block Prints

kids playing and drawing

Have your kids outgrown playing with blocks or lost interest in them? If they have, repurpose the blocks and spark new interest by using them to make prints. This colorful and fun activity is quite easy. It creates art from the geometric shapes while at the same time enhancing your children’s recognition skills.

Get a white paper, wooden blocks, paper towel and paint. For every piece of block, identify a color to go with it. Each shape should have one matching it. To create a base for the paint, fold a paper towel twice and squeeze paint on it. Press each block on its respective color and then transfer its shape by pressing it on the paper. You can make a synchronized pattern or create a random print design to cover the whole paper.

Leaf Impressions

Negative leaf impressions will allow you to build your little ones’ motor skills. When there are plenty of leaves around to play with, collect different types and lay them on drawing papers. Get a spray bottle and fill it with your kid’s favorite watercolor. Since this is likely to get messy, the craft is best done outside if you do not have a crafts room.

To make the negative leaf impressions, spray all around ensuring that the leaves remain in their position. For the best results, let your kids spray from above the paper. You can achieve this by having them stand on a chair if you are working on a table, or kneeling when working on the ground. Leave the impressions to dry before removing the leaves.

Colored Sand Creations

There are a lot of projects you can embark on using sand. Sand painting is magical, and your kids will love it. To make the sand painting, use play sand, a pencil, black construction papers, glue and a hole punch. Sketch a simple design on the paper and apply a stream of glue to follow its outline without veering off.

Pour colored sands into different containers and sprinkle it on the glue each at a time until you cover the whole design. Leave the project to dry without moving it, as doing so will destabilize the sand. Once it dries, trim the black paper, glue it on the mat board and pop holes on the top corners. Thread it with a ribbon and hang it on the wall.

Creating these things with your kids opens them up to the world of art and also helps boost their creativity. It also gives you time to bond with your little ones. Try the above simple projects the next time you get a chance to get crafty.

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